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Bible Studies

Adult Bible Study

Bible study is an important aspect for the life of a congregation. It is often said that the spiritual health of a congregation can be determined by the number attending. We take that seriously at St. James and St. Paul’s. Listed below are the offerings going into September at St. James and St. Paul’s.

• Sunday morning Bible Study at St. James is led by Fred Gregar at 9:15 a.m. The group will be going through the book by Rev. Daniel Preus: Why    I Am a Lutheran – Jesus at the Center. A study guide is included with this study.

• Sunday morning Bible Study at St. Paul’s is on Sundays for one hour following the worship service. Deb Winters leads the study. Coming off the summer break, the group will begin with the New Testament Book of the Bible, Hebrews, using the Bible handbook by Dr. Henrietta C. Mears entitled: What the Bible Is All About.

• Thursday afternoon Bible Study at St. James is led by Pastor Erdman. The class is studying in the Old Testament Book of Exodus. Coming off the summer break, the group will pick up with chapter 31. The time is from 2:00-3:30 p.m.

• Saturday morning Breakfast Bible study is typically held on the second Saturday of the month from 8:00-10:00 a.m. In September the group will begin an 8 session DVD series on the Book of Revelation presented by Dr. Mark Brighton, professor of Biblical languages and literature at Concordia University, Irvine, CA. A wonderful, in-depth study of the often-misunderstood book of the Bible.

• The women of St. James will meet on Monday evenings at 6:00 for a study of a DVD series titled NOOMA. NOOMA is a series of short films, featuring Christian teacher Rob Bell that, explore our world from a perspective of Jesus.